Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Moon

Blue Moon in the Midwest night time sky on New Years Eve.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

thirty–one month

Photojournal edited and designed by Kimberlee Whaley, featuring photographs taken over a 30-day period by Erin Hauber, J. Namdev Hardisty, Jeremy Miranda and Gene Pittman.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tidings of Comfort & Joy

I believe.

Festive & practical

Practicing hand-eye coordination.

Zoey received a kit filled with shoes from my mother.
Zoey prefers the pink boot that says "Bite Me."

Friday, December 25, 2009


Patience finds the holidays to be overwhelming, especially with all the costume changes. Her Grandmother had bought her 3 Christmas outfits. This photo features outfit #2.

Merry Christmas

This year I accidentally blew out the lights on the fiber-optic Christmas tree. Good thing these blue lights were plugged into a surge protector, so we could still have that Christmas feeling.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2 More

I took these two images today. The landlord had covered the garden bed in the front yard with compost in an effort to rejuvenate the plants underneath for next year.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Fall 2009

I love these and hope to make more before it snows.

Thanksgiving pt 1

Namdev & Patience with Ryan in the background.

Rizzo, Patience & the motorcycle

Miss Bobblehead


Since 2003 Joe Rizzo has hosted the "Orphans Thanksgiving", which is made up of a group of Minneapolis transplants with no family to spent the holidays with. This year there were some new faces; Patience, Ancho (the cat), Elena and JV.

Thanksgiving pt 2



Elena's hands

Aesthetically pleasing book

The game.

We feasted, relaxed, enjoyed each others company and drank wine. Rizzo is in a new apartment this year and it was set up perfectly to just spread out and sprawl out.

Thanksgiving pt 3

There were two heated Scrabble matches. After viewing the scrabble two & three letter website, Namdev was comfortable with taking a chance and spelling jiberish in order to gain more points. Rizzo & JV were so determined to come in as the "first loser" that they created their own words and "bonality" was born. Ultimately Elena won both matches because her game is just too sick for us. Her game is like an art. If you challenge her you may win that battle but not the game. When she's 40+ points ahead it really doesn't matter.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spring Garden

One of the best signs of spring.

Here is my new larger garden. Larger vegetable garden, 2 trellis areas, and a flower cutting garden area.

This is the man who dug up all these garden areas for me. Thanks!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Photo Experiment

This is an experiment with text layered on glass. We, MVA, think it looks pretty rad.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Namdev Zoey

This is a photo of Namdev and Zoey watching the weather report on tv.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Emma's Moving On

Emma is moving back to her home state of Michigan. It's sad to see her go but I know I will see her again. This is a pic I snapped before driving her home to apartment in N.E.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Self Portrait

Saturday I worked for hours trying to get a photo of myself. I hate being on the other side of the camera. The studio had awesome light coming through the windows. This was the best of the images.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Summer Storm

Waiting for the storm.

Moments before it started to pour.

Wind chimes and street lights.

Attempting to photograph lightning.

Blue sky returning, the storm is leaving.

I tried to find some images of spring to help warm up this winter but I only found these images from a thunder storm last summer.